Somali Woman Allegedly Killed Her 2-Year-Old Child.
Posted by xaaji on June 24 2012 13:39:01

Deqa Mohamed Yusuf, 23, has been charged with second degree murder as her baby died on June 17 after being in intensive care since the May 31 incident, according to the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office.

Extended News

A Minneapolis woman allegedly killed her 2-year-old child, apparently while intoxicated, police say.

Deqa Mohamed Yusuf, 23, has been charged with second degree murder as her baby died on June 17 after being in intensive care since the May 31 incident, according to the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office.
According to police, witnesses said Yusuf had made a mention of “killing her children and then committing suicide” on the night of the incident. Two witnesses said Yusuf had a history of hitting her children, sometimes while under the influence of alcohol.
Police said that at approximately midnight on May 31 they responded to a “baby not breathing” 911 call on the 1900 block of Second Street Northeast. After officers arrived, they saw Yusuf leaning over her non-responsive 2-year-old. While trying to give the baby CPR, police had to keep the mother from intervening.
According to authorities, Yusuf appeared to be intoxicated. Witnesses said she had been drinking that night.
Police also noticed that the bathtub was completely full with water.
Yusuf said she had been giving the child a bath and noticed that the 2-year-old defecated in the bathtub. The mother said she left momentarily to get something to clean the child with, and upon returning, she found her baby not breathing.



Hooyo Somaaliyeed ayaa ku xiran xabsiga Magaalada Minneapolis iyadoo lagu eedeyay ineey dishay cunugeedi oo 2 sano jir ah iyadoo cabsan.


Hooyadan oo magaceedu yahay Deeqa Maxamed Yusuf ayaa la sheegay in ay dishay cunugaas yar 31 dii bishii la soo dhaafay ee May .

Booliska Magaalada Minneapolis ayaa soo gaaray guriga ay daganeed hooyadan kadib markii la wacay 911 , iyagoo sheegay markeey guriga gudaha u galeen in ay arkeen hooyadan oo isku dayeesa in ay neef afka ka siiso saqiirkaas ama CPR .

Kadib booliskii iyo dhakaatiirtii ayaa isku dayey ineey badbaadiyaan cunugaas laakinse kumeeysan Guleeysan .

Waxeey Booliska intaas ku dareen in ay hooyadan u ekeed qof cabsan markeey guriga yimaadeen.

Markii ay wareeysteen Booliska Deeqa Maxamed Yusuf , ayaa waxeey u sheegtay in ay u qubeeyneysay cunugeeda kadibna ay in daqiiqado ah ay uga dhex tagtay isagoo ku jira biyaha , kadib markeey xooga ka dib soo noqotay ayeey aragtay cunugii oo biyaha hoos u galay isagoo u muuqday in ay nafta ka baxday.

Hooyadan ayaa hada lagu hayaa xabsiga iyadoo sugeeysa in maxkamad la saaro mardhow .

Eng.Kamal Mohamed
New york,USA